vendredi 3 juillet 2009

" I love the smell of dust and smoke...I'm happy."

19 commentaires:

RAWLS a dit…

Awesome!! Great textures man!

Jacob a dit…

tu me fais plaisir mec...enfin du post! c'est cool.

Jérémy Pires a dit…

putain....jacques il représente grave !

TortueMasquée a dit…

Coul de voir l'évolution,en plus ça tue.

Unknown a dit…

ha ouaiiiiii le rendu final a vachement de présence!
braval c'est de la balle

km a dit…

hum... c'est tellement bon quand tu prends ton temps !

jerome virmont a dit…

Belllle!cool les étapes!

Jason Barnes a dit…

hell yea! the man shows his process. very nice piece.

g a dit…

great, as usual ;]

maarten a dit…

yo dude!! thanks for the words! awesom drawings.. you keep amazing me. cool to see your process.! ill post more characters soon too.. probably after my tour de france.! whooo im gonna skate paris
what are your plans this summer?

i see your 21 now, happy birthday mate!

Bryst a dit…

il est fort ce paul!

Tel Coelho a dit…

That's great!!!
nice job!!!

g1toons a dit…

good to see the sketch to finish , really nice idea, and layout, nice work

Anonyme a dit…

Wow your artwork and style is incredibly beautiful, keep up the fantastic work.

PaoYunSoo a dit…

mortel : O

michiel a dit…

Hee This looks realy cool.
For some odd reson I like the middle (probly because it looks more mistirus)
But realy nice stuff on here

maarten a dit…

paulll post man post! i wanna see new stuff.

Anonyme a dit…

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Claudia Kleinheinz a dit…

Amazing style and work!! Such an inspiration, I'll come back here for sure :)